2023 Dressage Test Changes

2023 USAE Eventing Judges Test Changes

USEA has released new Eventing tests for 2003 - a new 2023 Beginner Novice 3-Day Eventing Test and a replacement for the 2022 Novice 3-Day Test.  Effective October 23, 2023 these tests have been included in the 2022 USEA Eventing Judges Test book.  An Update for the 2022 USEA Eventing Judges Test book is  available for purchase on the Updates page for $30.

2023 USDF/USEF Test Changes

USDF/USEF has released their new tests for 2023 from Introductory Level through Fourth Level, Developing Horse, and Freestyle. These tests will become effective December 1, 2022 replacing the 2019 tests. Dressage Illustrated has a complete set of diagram books of these tests available for immediate shipment on this site.

2023 WDAA Test Changes

Effective Dec 1, 2022 WDAA has revised the eight 2022 Dressage Seat  Equitation tests. The 2022 tests are replace with six 2023 Western Dressage Seat Equitation Tests - Walk-jog Tests A,B, Intermediate Tests A,B, and Advanced Tests A,B, for both riders and judges.  The judges test diagrams are reversed to correspond to the judges perspective.  The new tests are valid until November 30, 2025. The new riders tests are available on the WDAA test page
The judges tests are on the Western Dressage Rules and Guideline page 

Note:  These new WDAA tests are title changes of the old tests with a couple of added words.  The judges tests have reversed diagrams.  Riders can easily convert the old tests in their Dressage Illustrated books to the new tests with a pen.   

Dressage Illustrated will be providing inserts from Instructors and Judges diagram books under the Order Books and Audios > Updates page.  

2023 FEI Test Changes

FEI has released most the old Para Equestrian tests under new titles and added a couple of new tests.  The collective marks have been reduced to one mark which changes the test scores.  Dressage Illustrated will NOT produce diagram books for these new tests due to absolutely no demand for them in the past.   

FEI has updated the FEI Eventing Test Pages to use the 2023 date at the top and 2023 copyright at the bottom.  Otherwise no changes.  

While not an FEI test, the USEF FOUR-YEAR-OLD DRESSAGE TEST provided by USDF has changed for the first time in years.  It is the first test in the 2023 Dressage Illustrated Young Horse Judges book which has the 4,5,6,7 yr old horse Judges FEI tests.  Dressage Illustrated does not offer riders or instructors versions of the Young Horse book.