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Custom Covers
Dressage Illustrated's new printing process provides the capability to produce custom covers on both laminated rider books and 3-ring binder books for riders and judges. This web site has been updated to show which books are or will be available with a custom cover. Two options are available for a custom cover. See the image below The cover photograph of the tracking-up feet is replace with a 4x5 inch picture of your choice with a text caption below it. Most customers chose a picture of them riding their horse or just their horse with the text of their name and/or...
New Dressage Illustration "Look" and Production Process
During 2016 Dressage Illustrated transitioned production of our new books from heavy paper in sheet protectors in 3-ring binders for Instructors, Judges, and large riders books and laminated heavy paper for most riders books to durable synthetic paper in 3-ring binders for Instructors and Judges books and durable synthetic paper with a laminated cover for riders books. These books use a new printing technology. They are printed on Teslin synthetic paper with permanent color ink – the synthetic paper is water-proof and is printed with water-proof, permanent ink. This is the same technology used to make all weather maps for...
New 2017 FEI Para Equestrian Tests
FEI has completely changed the FEI Para Equestrian tests effective January 1, 2017. The levels have been given new numbers with Levels I, II, III, IV, and V replacing Levels Ia, Ib, II, III, and IV. The rider physical requirement for each of the levels has not changed, only the Level numbers. The tests have been standardized to four tests - Preliminary, Team, Individual Championship, and Freestyle - per level. Levels I, II, and III are ridden in a 20x40 meter arena. Levels IV and V are ridden in a 40x60 meter arena. Dressage Illustrated has rider test books,...
2017 FEI Seniors and Juniors & Young Riders Test Changes
Effective January 1, 2017, both the 2016 FEI Seniors (Prix St. Georges thru Grand Prix Special) has 40 changes. The Juniors & Young Riders tests have 48 changes. Most of the changes are either "rebracketing" where the boundary between two movements is changed and/or an additional more defining element is added to a movement. The rebracketing is causing diagram changes. Watching the tests being ridden, the viewer would see no differences. However, because of the rebracketing and changes to the directive ideas, the scoring has definite changes. Judges will need new books to ensure their diagrams match the score sheets...
New 2017 WDAA Tests
WDAA has changed all their tests (Intro thru Level 3). Intro has four new tests and Basic and Levels 1-3 have five new tests including the freestyle tests. All tests will be simpler and shorter than the old tests. The number of collective marks is being reduced from seven to five. The ride times and total scores are also lower than the old tests. Most important to the judges, the number of micro movements (less than 12 meters in length) is have bee significantly reduced. These new tests were accompanied by rule changes in the Western Dressage section of the...